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Lupine seed sampler

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Lupine (purple) 

You will receive a small selection of seeds from my garden. They are contained in a small scrapbooked card with a little door on the back. They are reusable when treated gently and make cute gifts for a gardener. 

If you like to watch bees spiral up each flower to the top of the stalk, these are perfection! The vast majority of these are purple although some bloomed a combination of purple and white this year. They make perfect tall cut flowers if you can stand to snip them. They stand upright easily even when they self seed and I didn't need to stalk any of them. 

These are beautiful tall show offs that like a little bit of water for ideal blooms but we didn't do much to them this year and they still put on a show. The unique leaves come out from a center point like multi pointed stars and will hold drops of water and morning dew on their tiny little hairs.  

The flowers give way to pea seeds which contain several seeds each that burst open to a spiral  to self sew. These are the most fun to collect just before they burst as the seeds are fairly large and the pods are crisp and crackily when picked just prior to bursting.

Because of the extensive information about seeds/plants, I encourage each customer to look up the information that pertains to their specific questions.